Why Soft Toys are Still Best for Children

Now that electronics and smart devices are essential to many of our day-to-day activities, it is not a surprise that they are becoming toys for children. It is quite a familiar sight in toy stores to see eye-catching toys armed with touchscreens that promise to enhance interest, interaction, and learning opportunities even for very young kids.

There is a certain glamor in owning a “smart” toy for one’s child. For some, that translates into a parental style that is up-to-date, informed, modern, or relevant. Still, despite the bells-and-whistles of these highly-touted toys, nothing beats the allure of soft toys for toddlers.

One cannot argue against the benefits of the former, but not one of them can downplay the following advantages of giving your child a cuddly soft toy.

Photo by June Gathercole on Unsplash

Soft is Safe

This default trait of soft toys makes them runaway winners when considering overall safety. By virtually lacking from anything that could pierce, scratch, or maim, soft or plush toys remain to be bestsellers among all other types of toys. Parents do not have to worry about the slightest chance that such toys could harm their child in any way.

The only possible risk that may be present in soft toys for toddlers is in the type of fabric and stuffing used that could cause allergies or contain harmful chemicals. However, there is no cause for alarm. The country’s rigorous regulations and safety standards ensure that all reputable manufacturers use child-friendly materials.

Incidentally, if you are concerned about the sustainability of the materials used in soft toys, you will be glad to know many manufacturers have the same goal in mind and only use 100% renewable or biodegradable fibers. Thus, these toys are not only safe for children but to the environment as well.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Soft is Easy

Another factor that makes soft toys highly preferred for young children, perhaps even for all ages, is their ease of maintenance. You can wash them anytime they get too soiled or smell funny. You can quickly and easily bring a plush toy anywhere by stuffing it into the next available space without worrying about breaking or damaging it.

Irreparable is practically not a term to describe soft toys if they do get damaged. Unless they get burned by accident or a portion is inexplicably torn and lost, you can quickly repair any damage with a few stitches. You can even get professional help in either fixing a beloved stuffed toy or restoring a legacy plush toy to its original beauty.

Photo by Rod Long on Unsplash

Soft is Endearing

The natural cuddliness and warmth of a soft toy can quickly establish a lasting connection between the toy and its owner. Not only will your child find happiness and comfort with a soft toy, but it also provides a sense of security. Child development experts agree that plush toys help kids build confidence, learn beginning social skills, manage their emotions, and initiate language and self-expression.

So, it is no wonder that soft toys still find their place and meaning even up to the adulthood of their owners. Their impact on a child’s development and growing-up years is invaluable and remains consistent among various cultures all over the world. These are benefits that can neither be outmoded nor replaced by all the fanciness and upscaled interactiveness of many modern toys and gadgets.

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