Read this Beauty Junkies: Top Reasons Why You Should Always Choose Organic Cosmetics

Don’t we love makeup and skincare products? From skincare to the latest lip kits, these are one of our favorite splurges and guiltlessly hoard them. However, women, on average, are exposed to over a hundred chemicals found in skincare products. Most of us grew up with these products, unaware that they get closely linked with severe health hazards like neurological damage and cancer.

The skin is the human body’s largest organ, so you can only imagine the extent of damage caused by these chemicals. Aside from making sure your products don’t contain harmful ingredients like lead, think about using organic cosmetics.

Instead of using a foundation full of chemicals, go for an organic foundation. As a substitute for using sulfate-based shampoos and hair care products, try natural hair care items. The precautions you take today can save your skin and your life tomorrow.

If these are not enough reasons for you to shift to natural personal care products, check out these facts:

Organic Products are Gentle and Safe on Your Skin.

Organic skin care products, especially makeup products, are usually made from nutrients that are beneficial to the skin. People generally mix nourishing and soothing minerals like zinc oxide, mica, calcium, and magnesium with green tea, rosemary, and tea tree oil to protect the skin.

Most skincare products sold in the market contain harsh chemicals and ingredients that are harmful to the skin. For those with sensitive skin, it is better to use organic makeup to avoid irritation. If you use products with high concentration in the above oils and ingredients, the overall condition of your skin will improve naturally.

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【オイルバームで保湿】 乾燥肌さんはそろそろカサカサがガサガサに変わってくる頃ではないでしょうか。今年の冬はbottega organicaの フェイススクラブ、そしてトリートメントマスクがオススメ❗️ シーソルトレモンのスクラブはオイルが入ったバームスクラブなので、手に乗せた時からしっとりとした質感。お顔のマッサージをしながら天然のレモンの香りがなんとも心地よい。同じくオレンジのトリートメントフェイスマスクは、バームとしてはもちろん、少し多めにお顔に乗せてフェイスパック。そのあとはホットタオルで拭き取るもよし。 たっぷりの化粧水で拭き取るのもよし。とにかく拭き取ったあとのぷるっとモチっと感が最高なんです。 保湿されてる!と感じる1週間を過ごせるはずですよ。 お試しいただきたいエイジングラインの商品です! ———————————————– WEB SHOPでのお買い物は、TOPのURLからチェックできます! ———————————————– #itssoeasy #organic #natural #cosmetic #organiccosmetics #無農薬農園 #bottegaorganica #ボッテガオーガニカ #乾燥肌対策 #表参道 #アンチエイジング #肌の保湿 #オレンジマスク #シーソルト&レモン #100%オーガニック #オイルバーム

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Organic Skincare Products Provide More Sun Protection.

Mineral-based makeup products usually consist of iron oxide, zinc oxide, and titanium oxide. All of these minerals give you more protection against the damage caused by sun exposure. These minerals also help stop premature skin aging and significantly lower the risk of skin cancer.

Organic foundation, on the other hand, offers longer-lasting coverage while protecting your skin from the harmful ultraviolet rays.

Organic Skincare Products help Protect the Future Generation

Most of the chemicals in your daily skincare products cause cancer and other severe congenital disabilities. So, it is scary to imagine how the future generation will grow up. Expectant mothers with increased phthalates levels are most likely to give birth to children who will show disruptive behaviors as they grow older. These chemicals are usually in nail polishes, cosmetic products, shampoos, and fragrances.

These unfortunate children become unwitting victims of the wrong product choices of adults and this should not be the case. With all the scary effects happening to the environment, these adverse effects can hugely add insult to injury.

Final Thoughts

The products that people grew up thinking to be safe are sadly the ones that cause harm now and that might cause harm in the future. If you have been a long-time user of these products, imagine what irreparable damages the chemicals have been doing to your body.

If you do not shift from these harmful products now, you are sacrificing not only your health and well-being. You are not giving your future sons and daughters the chance to live a healthy and illness-free life. So, make that switch now. Go for a lifestyle that will benefit you and the environment.

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