First Impressions Absolutely Matter. Here’s Why

Dating scene now has change a little bit. Though during my time, some met online or via phone, traditional meet-ups are widely common. Today, with more apps and websites to meet more people, meeting for the first time can be ner-wracking.

Others, on the other hand, take it for granted. I know some people who didn’t get a second date after talking online for months! You see, you only need a few seconds to have a look at them and interact with them to know what kind of people they are. Even with today’s technology, knowing the best questions for a first date matters.

The first impression applies no matter where people have met. Every couple that is together today has a story of how they met and the first impression they created for each other.

How you are dressed and the first few words you utter define who you are. But why is the first impression such a big deal?

Relationship experts from a website that helps people to find a partner of their choice:

First Impression Truly Lasts Forever

Your spouse will always remember the first impression you created even in their old age. They can narrate clearly to the children and the grandchildren. Therefore, it means that one has to put some efforts into their demeanor and dressing when meeting someone for the first time.

The first date in a relationship is the most important, especially if you met online. Both the man and the woman need to show their positive side rather than the other. Be respectful to the other person to compliment your nice dress code and they will always remember this.

It is a Decision Making Factor

While discussing this, our focus is on people who want to start of a friendship or relationship. If you met online and decided to meet, the moment of truth is only a few seconds after meeting. Most people will decide whether they want to go on with this or not by how the first impression comes out.

No woman would want to date an unkempt man while no man will want a disrespectful woman. This further shows the importance of grooming at all times. Do not quickly boast to the other person as this can quickly put them off result in rejection.

   Photo by Ashley Schulze on Unsplash

First Impression is Powerful

It holds a lot of power that can hardly be reverted. That is why it only takes a few minutes to win the heart of the other person or lose it. Mostly, women look to take what you give them immediately after meeting for the first time.

If the man is not what they are looking for, they will know immediately. On the other hand, men also want a smart lady and they can judge this at first sight.

The first impression has the power people need to ignite the spark of love. It comes out clearly whether the two of you have met in a bar, workplace or any other place for that matter. Most people cannot fake the first impression but anyone can enhance it by giving out their good side.

It Sets the Mood

Whether you have met before on not, the first impression sets the mood for the meeting. Some little things that annoy the other will spoil the whole meeting. It is possible to have a date where the other person has already diverted their mind completely. Try and learn what makes the other person happy and avoid a bad start of your date or meeting.

To my single friends and readers, do not underestimate first impressions. Try to make the best but don’t over do. Be yourself, prepare for your next meeting. Believe me, it will go a long way.

**Feature Image by rawpixel on Unsplash

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