The Other Side of Tourism


Tourism can greatly help a country’s economy with countries like Maldives, Fiji and the Carribean relying on their tourism industry for their national economy. With tourists pouring in, there are many negative effects to the place. Here are some of them:



The environment is the first one to be affected with tourism. Some tourists leave with the trashes around the area making a historical ruin a mere ruin with trash around.



Likewise, the developments like building hotels and other establishment will disrupt the natural environment and displace many living organism. Golf courses will deplete a country’s agricultural lands.



Whenever there is a high demand for tourists, it gives jobs and sources of livelihood for the locals. However ,with the influx of tourists; drugs, alcohol and prostitution would surely arise. Especially in island destination where partying is the way of life, these social problems cannot be avoided. They are not selling their local products but their morality as well.


To end up, tourism doesn’t unnecessarily mean that it will do good for a country. Hence, local government should be watchful in the issues and concern about environment and morality when promoting their tourism industry.

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