Spelunking in Capiz ( Suhot Cave and Cold Spring)


The province of Capiz offers many natural beauties for people to explore and experience from their fresh bounties of the sea to cold springs hidden in lush forests. And if you want to dip in cold water and have some exploration, head to the caves of Capiz.

While on a road trip in Capiz, we dropped by in Suhot Cold Spring in the municipality of Dumalag.  Another place  that attracted the freelance writer spirit in me. The place was rather simple yet unspoiled.There were many people when we went there ( it was a Holy Week and the height of summer) but sans the crowd and vendors, the whole place was rather untouched by modernity.


But we were more attracted to its natural cave formation. I can imagine how these caves were used as a temporary shelter during the Second World War or as a secret meeting place to lovers..wink! wink!

Since it was Holy Week, we saw a man ( I think a babaylan ) dressed in long robes with his white candle entered one of the small chambers of the cave. If I remember my Anthropology class in college, some people believe that they can gain supernatural powers during the Holy Week. Sadly, my husband ( my official photographer) failed to take a shot of him.

holyweek 182

If you are not interested to take a dip in Suhot Cold Spring, the whole place is a nice venue for trekking either inside the cave or outside. The whole place is very natural and with its hilly and mountainous terrain, it is really a nice adventure to do while in Capiz.


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  1. Well written and informative. What I like about it is because it is detailed. I am more excited to plan that trip now after seeing the photos.Love it!

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