Mother’s Day


Weekend getaways, wrapping gifts, exchanging greetings – these are circulating around me. With many of my friends who are now young moms, it has come to my senses that motherhood will really come to every woman who wants to be one.

As a mother of a toddler, it has changed my life –yeah yeah, its a cliche but it’s true! I cannot say that it changed me 360 degrees since I was the nurturing type before I had my own, tending my my nephews and falling in love with kids. I might say that motherhood made a more organized and responsible.

I’m not a perfect mother and no one is. But I feel very accomplished whenever someone compliments on my son, not just for his good looks for that is a bonus :-).  When he eats on his own, behaves well and treats other kids nicely – his actions reflects on how I am as a mom.

I don’t need people to compliment me either for one look at my son who adores me is enough. It’s enough that someone needs me and clings to me. It’s enough when there is one person in this world that will feel better and assured by just hugging him. And it’s enough when he calls me in his sweetest voice, “Mama”.

I choose to savor this moment when I am the apple of his eye. For sooner or later, he will grow up and find girls who will make his heart flutter. And as a mother I have to open my palms and let him go like a little butterfly…..

To my mom and to all mothers —Happy Mother’s Day…

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