Healthy Drinks at Rapha Valley


Technically, this is the second installment about our trip in Rapha Valley, one of Negros Occidental’s wellness destinations. Click here to read the previous post.

Join me as I enjoy one of the perks of being a travel writer tasting something new creating great experiences.

Carrot-Langka Juice

Carrot is the most common vegetables for juicing and it is very rich in vitamins in minerals. At Rapha Valley, Dr. Jo mixed langka or jackfruit to suit the Filipino taste. Honestly, most of us are not fond of carrots. Plus, he noted that jackfruit is widely available.

I love jackfruit and the drink was amazing. The sweetness of the jackfruit was more dominant. We had this as our welcome drink while having our black puto ( rice cake) and wiping our summer sweat with their cold towels treated with citronella.



Those who are observing healthy lifestyles are fully aware of the benefits of juicing. Juicing fresh fruits and vegetables maximize their nutritional powers while eliminating sugar found in most drinks like fruit juices.

Dr. Jo mentioned that they make their organic juice very fresh. Not more than 2 hours. This concoction is a great idea for those into juicing. Start adding jackfruit now for a new taste!


Gumamela Lemonade

Yes, you read it right. And it is no crazy idea. We had this for lunch.



Gumamela juice is made from pink and red flowers. Mixed with calamansi and sweetened with honey. The taste? Like a sugar-free iced tea. Nothing different in the taste. I want to recreate this but I’m just scared I might get into trouble. 🙂


Tarragon Tea



Saving the best for last. Never tasted this kind of tea before. Good for digestion, tarragon tea tasted like root beer. This herb is also noted for its aroma. I had more than one serving, almost the whole pot. Hope to see organic tarragon tea in the market. If you see one, buy it.

All ingredients used in Rapha Valley recipes are 100% organic, locally produced from their own farm. This is just a part of the tour that Rapha Valley offers to guests.




For more information, contact Rapha Valley



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