Benefits of Early Education


If we belong to the same generation, we started our early education by the time we reached our 5th birthdays. But now, children enter school earlier. And it may sound guilty, parents send their children to school because they lack or need the time for work or for themselves. For 2-3 hours each day, parents spend money for early education.


One of the reasons why I became a freelance writer is to spend more time with son. I had problems changing and trusting nannies taking care of my son and since I became a freelance writer I feel so blessed to combine both family and career.


My own son, Akira started going to school at 2 1/2 years. He went to UP Balay Balay that uses creative playing. I highly agree with their method since kids this age needs to explore things around them to learn. Most schools sadly uses books even to little kids for the sake of business.


My son was very shy and his speech was kind of delayed. So to enroll him in a daycare was our solution so he can interact with other kids. He was our only child then and there were few kids in our neighborhood that time.


With what my son has become, I am an advocate of early education. My advocacy is not merely nestled based on intellectual but social advancement and values formation.


Let me show how early education helped my child this way…



Here is my Akira on his graduation last year. He was 3 1/2 then.


He was such a baby..playful little one!


Of course, I handled his reluctance to go to school. He had tantrums during his first month. His interest and attention was very short. He would go out of the room after an hour or so.


But a year after, he was this confident handsome boy. Here he is speaking as he presented Belgium for their United Nations Day. I was proud but I think his Tita Nene ( his nanny) was more proud. haha!

He was this shy one among his classmates. Taken during their Christmas Party. He was a sheep..meee!

Look at him now! He is now the leader when it comes to following the rules. haha.


Early education is beneficial to both parents and child. In terms of interaction towards other children, early education greatly helps. Save your child from too much and early exposure to TV and computer just to give them something to do while we do our chores.


Most of all, you can reap this benefits if you choose the right school. UP Balay Balay ( where my son went) was not that close to our house but we have to sacrifice. UP Balay Balay is a model school when it comes to early education.


By the way, I am not paid or asked to “promote” their school. There is no need. I’m just a mother who happens to be a freelance writer with a blog where I am free to share my thoughts.


Thanks for reading!

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